A New Year = A New Beginning

I love the New Year. I see a new beginning and it gives me a feeling of hope. I always set lots and lots of fabulous goals...fabulous if I actually accomplished them. The first few weeks I feel great and accomplish a lot...and then something happens; I burn out, or one of my children gets sick, or I stay up too late one night, or, or, or. My goals then just seem to tumble and fall apart and I become too overwhelmed to even try. I lose sight of it all and struggle the rest of the year to regain the right perspective. The last couple of months I've been evaluating 2008 and reflecting on what I want to accomplish in 2009 and how to do it. As a missionary I was constantly setting goals together with my companion. I learned different things from each companion. I was able to benefit from each of their strengths. It really helped to have a cheerleader working with me. I would love for my husband to be that cheerleader or companion to plan, evaluate, encourage, pray, and work with throughout the year. This is something that we are striving for in our marriage, but have not perfected. And let’s face it…he is a Man and I am a Woman. We are different. So I am going to keep working toward that “celestial relationship”, and in the mean time I thought about the many others who support and encourage me. I have 4 sisters who are always cheering me on. I also have amazing friends who have helped me through their examples and encouraging words. This brings me to today… We are all sisters and we need each other! Learning to blog is one of my goals this year and here I am because a friend encouraged me. I want this blog to be a place to share what we have learned about ourselves and how to improve and change for the better. I want this to be a place to cheer each other on. I want us to benefit from each others strengths. This is a place to put your goals in writing, make a commitment, evaluate, and receive help in succeeding. 2009 is our year! So let's DO IT! A New year and A New Beginning….Are you with me?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Who Knew?

The more I exercise, the more I can see how this relates to learning the Gospel in general.

I remember in the 1st letter to the Corinthians, Paul understands and explains to the ministers there that they are teaching the people things that can't be understood yet. They are feeding the saints meat before they've had milk. This had led to a big diversion among the saints there. Just try to feed a baby/toddler a steak and see what happens.

The same goes with exercising in general. It's all nice and neat to see these super-slim people running miles and miles without even breaking a sweat. Maybe I get jealous. One thing that I can rest assure is that these people just didn't one day get off the couch and start running that distance. It took them a long time (in some cases several years) to get to that point. NOONE just becomes an athlete overnight.

This morning I went swimming. I was quite proud of myself being able to go 200 yards without stopping. This is the distance I'll need to go for a triathlon I'm planning for this summer. I've been swimming (consistently) for about 6 months now. When I first started, I could barely get in 25 yards (one lap) without keeling over because of lack of breath.

The same happened with running. I started with about 100 yards. After scraping myself off the pavement, I kept at it. Now I can go about 4 miles without stopping.

The one thing that I've found to be true about exercising is that you've GOT to stay with it. Our bodies get out of shape real quick like if we stop. If we only do so 'occasionally', then the results will be mediocre at best.

Compare this with the Church. If you only attend meetings/read scriptures/pray/etc 'occasionally', then your relationship with the man upstairs will be mediocre at best. God in his incredible wisdom has given us the ability to handle things in increments. He doesn't expect us to know & do everything right away. It takes time for our knowledge to grow. When people get irritated because they don't know all of the gospel answers, it's silly, plain and simple. It the same concept as getting jealous about the super slim person running past me as I'm huffin' and puffin' away. I know in the back of my mind that at some point if I keep with it, then I will no longer need to be jealous.

So what's the point of my post? Don't get discouraged because you can't do things physically the same as others. All that's important is that you keep with it. The day will come. My goal is not to gnaw down on a filet mignon, but to at least start chewing on the grizzle of a chuck steak. It's better than this bottle I'm sucking from now.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Snapshot of My Goals for 2009

Well I am really excited about this new year, as I have never before been. I am not sure why. I feel that 2009 is going to be a really good year filled with positive changes and stronger relationships. Or at least those are the main subject of my goals.

In the Positive Changes category, I have a major goal of getting my body back. After having three babies and gaining over 60 pounds I am so done with that. It is time to get back to where I am comfortable and happy with how I look and feel. Another aspect of this is to help my children know and understand a love of activity and living healthily.

To reach these goals I have been going to the gym more regularly. My goal is to go 5 times a week and this week I have successfully done that so far. I have been pushing myself and really enjoying how I have been feeling.

I have decided on a course of action for my food intake and instead of my usual route of low carb, I am eating more balanced diet with an emphasis on low calorie and low fat. I am enjoying this diet much more than I did previously with low carb but I am not seeing results as quickly. However, I do believe that my results will be more permanent and will teach me a more correct way to eat.

Also in the Positive Changes category are goals like do the dishes and vacuum daily. I would like to be more on top of my housework. I don't think that I am a slob but I don't run as tight a ship as I would like. I am also trying to be more on top of our finances. Ben has been self employed for the past year and finances aren't as comfortable as they have been in the past. I have decided that since I am not working and am the one who pays our bills, I need to be able to account for every single penny. I need to pull things in and make what we have work for us. I haven't exactly figured out how to do this yet, but it will happen!

Another PC goal is to become a better photographer. I really enjoy that art form and learned so much just in the last 12 months. I want to strengthen my artist eye and expression through photography. I would also like to get a Nikon D90.

In the Building Relationships category, I have decided that I need to strengthen my relationship with my Heavenly Father and Jesus. I am trying to read 12 "Church" related books a year. I am currently in the process of reading Talmage's Jesus the Christ. I have a couple friends who are reading it with me. Only 10 chapters into it and I already feel like I have a better understanding of Christ and stronger testimony. I can't wait to see how I will feel after the year is over and I've knocked off 12 books.

I am also going to try to strengthen relationships with friends and make a new friend. I don't feel like I have many close friends and I know that is my fault. I am a bit apathetic when it comes to friendships and I don't put a lot of effort into them. This is going to change! I would really like to make a friend here in Utah. I spend pretty much every waking minute with my children and so this is going to be a challenge, but a challenge I can handle!

Another Building Relationship goal is in strengthening my relationship with Ben and with my children. I am trying to be positive and sweet and not yell, complain or act angry. I am not perfect on this by a long shot but I really feel that this goal has to be met. As the mother, my attitude and demeanor is so important in maintaining a home where the Spirit can reside. A home that nurtures and encourages love and learning is my goal.

I am really glad to have the opportunity to write these down. I have been thinking about them and mentally making notes but until now I had not put them in black and white. It's exciting and really fun. Let's get crackin'!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Unknown Sister

I know I posted last night but something happened just this morning that I wanted to share. This morning I had ambition and decided to get on my bike and see how long it would take me to ride to the church for when I have to ride there to play ball next Monday. I went the back way through Linda Vista and up the back way to the church house. There were a few hills along the way that slowed me down but nothing I couldn't handle. I got to the church in about 45 minutes and was thrilled with myself. On the way back however I was getting tired. I came to the point where I had to go back onto Linda Vista Road but to get there I realized I had a major hill to climb. I started up it and ended up having to get off and walk my bike up the hill. I was pretty discouraged with myself but I knew that it was the only way I was getting home so I kept trudging up the hill. I had almost reached the top and was about 200 yards away from Linda Vista Road when this little "skinny" lady comes running past me. I was a little bitter but I remembered this blog and decided to support my unknown sister instead of being bitter. As she ran past she said good morning and I said back to her you go girl! I thought it was a good thing to say. She then smiled and as she ran on said back to me, "Keep up the good work." It was instantly the motivation I needed to finish my ride. My unknown sister had cheered me on and I realized that I had been doing good work up to that point and it was ok if I couldn't make it up that hill yet because there will come a time when I will make it up that hill. Thanks unknown sister. Thanks for cheering me on. As I got to the top of the hill and looked at my next destination I was elated to find out the next part was down hill! It is a bridge that looks over two different freeways and as I past over the bridge with the wind in my face and the beauty all around it really struck me how much my Heavenly Father wants me to succeed! Thanks unknown sister. You made such a difference today!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cyndi's start to the new year!

Wow time to sit down and actually put to words what my goals are for the new year. I have talked so much about being less of a procrastinator. That in and of itself has to be the start of any goal for me. Getting off my tom tom and getting things done. To that extent I have set up a few goals to fit under the heading of Less Procrastination! The first goal to fit under the heading is making my bed every morning, thus eliminating the powerful force to get back into it and read. If my bed is made I hate to mess up something so prettily put together as a made bed! The second goal under this heading is to make sure my chores are done for the day which would mean I have to actually make up a chore chart. Of course there are sub categories that fit under the chore chart. For instance there is a day when I get to take time out (according to the chore chart) and write. Writing is something that I don't take the time for but love doing. I should be using the talents my Heavenly Father gave me and I can if one I am not procrastinating and two giving myself the time to do. Another sub category (according to the chore chart) is to work on my church calling. I'm sure all of you can agree this is important. Other things on the chore chart are simple household chores that are broken up by days. The third goal under the heading is more exercise. I play basketball with Mary every Monday morning and I have made it a goal to start riding my bike either to the gym or the church depending on the week. I plan on riding my bike every other day after that or as many as I can fit into the week. My last goal under the heading is about personal prayer. This is something I don't do well and that's ok. My "actual" goal for personal prayer is to find a good time that is a never fail! Is there such a time? We'll see. As I get used to the goals that I have set up, more will follow.

I am pleased to report that these goals, except for the personal prayer bcause that was just added, have been set into action already and I have been working on them for the last few weeks. The first week of goals went rather well. Emma and Brent worked on their chores without too much complaint and I quickly found that by scheduling my chores to happen on certain days, I found myself with much more time and much less stress. The house was clean all week long as well and I wasn't picking it up every day either. By the time we got to Saturday of the first week I realized that I didn't have a ton to do to catch up on because it had been done throughout the week and I could focus my attention on more pertinent things such as mowing a much negleted yard. The second week I sort of slacked off of my daily chores because of different meetings and events and much to my dismay I found the opposite results. I was stressed and moody and there was much more contention around the house. We will see this week how it goes but for now I am off to a good start. Even though today was a holiday I still accomplished my goals and had time to play. Hopefully my posts won't be this long every time. It feels pretty good getting my goals written down and out in the open. Thanks Mary for this opportunity to have a sounding board as well as a support group! I love you girl!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What is your mission and do you have ambition?

I know I have the ambition...thus this blog. Now as far as my mission...I am still working on writing everything out. This is something that you can follow up with me on. By the end of this month I want all of my yearly, monthly, and daily goals written/typed out in the order of how I am going to work on each one.

I have tried to come up with an actual mission statement for this year and have kept coming back to the 3 missions of the church; proclaiming the gospel, redeeming the dead, and perfecting the saints. I think I will be categorizing my goals under these 3 missions and hopefully it won't be too heavy on the perfecting the saints side. I would love to know how you organize your goals each year. I will let you know more about my goals as I continue to organize them and finalize them over the next several days.

I am not as far along in this process as I wish I was for this New Year, but at least I am moving forward. Right? So what if it is almost February. It is never too late to start and move forward.

What is your mission and do you have ambition?

P.S. The links on the right are great resources for goal setting. They have really helped me in organizing my thoughts and planning out my goals.